论文速递|Management Science 三月文章精选(下)


在本月 MS 文章精选中,我们梳理了顶刊 Management Science 三月份发布有关OR/OM/FE以及相关应用的文章基本信息,旨在帮助读者快速洞察行业/学界最新动态。本文为第二部分(2/2)。


● 题目:How Much Can Machines Learn Finance from Chinese Text Data?



● 作者:Yang Zhou, Jianqing Fan, Lirong Xue

● 发布时间:2024.3.18

● 摘要

This paper introduces a novel framework named FarmPredict, which aims to learn financial returns directly from Chinese text data through unsupervised learning and sparsity regularization. The FarmPredict model is capable of extracting information directly from articles without relying on predefined dictionaries or pre-trained models. The model converts articles into vectors of hidden components consisting of multiple factors and idiosyncratic residuals via Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and determines the number of hidden factors using the Adjusted Eigenvalue Thresholding method. FarmPredict also screens idiosyncratic variables correlated with the target stock returns, conditional on factors, to reduce dimensionality to a more manageable level. Finally, the model employs the LASSO method or other machine learning algorithms to predict asset prices using hidden factors and screened idiosyncratic components. The study demonstrates that FarmPredict performs well in forecasting stock market returns in China, with sentiment scores from news articles significantly predicting stock excess returns. Moreover, compared to other statistical and machine learning methods available in the market, FarmPredict significantly outperforms them in terms of model prediction and portfolio performance.



● 题目:Designing Sparse Graphs for Stochastic Matching with an Application to Middle-Mile Transportation Management



● 作者:Yifan Feng, René Caldentey, Linwei Xin, Yuan Zhong, Bing Wang, Haoyuan Hu

● 发布时间:2024.3.19

● 摘要

This paper addresses the problem of designing a sparse subgraph that supports a large matching when nodes are randomly removed. The authors consider four families of sparse graph designs (Clusters, Rings, Chains, and Erdős-Rényi graphs) and demonstrate both theoretically and numerically that their performance is close to the optimal one achieved by a complete graph. The motivation for studying the stochastic sparse graph design problem primarily stems from a collaboration with a leading e-commerce retailer in the context of its middle-mile delivery operations. By testing the theoretical results with real data from the industry partner, the authors conclude that adding a bit of flexibility to the routing network can significantly reduce transportation costs.



● 题目:The Impact of Exchange-Traded Fund Index Inclusion on Stock Prices



● 作者:John Duffy, Daniel Friedman, Jean Paul Rabanal, Olga A. Rud

● 发布时间:2024.3.20

● 摘要

This paper reports on a laboratory experiment examining the impact of ETF index products on the prices and trading volume of assets. It compares an environment where an ETF index includes all assets in a market with an environment where a redundant asset is excluded from the index. The findings are that (i) participants place significant value on the ETF index asset beyond the value of its constituent assets; (ii) there is a substantial index premium for included assets; and (iii) the index premium persists even when short-selling is permitted. These results suggest that ETF products can distort markets to some degree. The paper also explores potential mechanisms behind the ETF index premium and rules out other possible explanations, such as signaling effects and increased liquidity of included assets, through the laboratory setting.



(i) 参与者对ETF指数资产的重视程度超过了其组成资产的价值;

(ii) 被纳入指数的资产存在显著的指数溢价;

(iii) 即使允许卖空,指数溢价也持续存在。这些发现表明ETF产品在一定程度上可以扭曲市场。



● 题目:The Financial Consequences of Online Review Aggregators: Evidence from Yelp Ratings and SBA Loans



● 作者:Ruidi Huang

● 发布时间:2024.3.25

● 摘要

This paper investigates the financial and real consequences of online review aggregators on small business loans. Utilizing a regression discontinuity design to address the potential endogeneity between Yelp reviews and Small Business Administration (SBA) loan outcomes, the study demonstrates that higher Yelp ratings lead to improved loan terms and performance. Specifically, a half-star increase in Yelp ratings corresponds to a 25-basis-point decrease in loan spread and a 6% reduction in collateral requirements. These effects are more pronounced when banks have less information about borrowers. Additionally, higher Yelp ratings contribute to increased consumer demand and the likelihood of future business openings. The findings indicate that online review aggregators influence both consumer choices and banks' financing decisions.



● 题目:On Statistical Discrimination as a Failure of Social Learning: A Multiarmed Bandit Approach


 原文链接 :https://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/abs/10.1287/mnsc.2022.00893

● 作者:Junpei Komiyama, Shunya Noda

● 发布时间:2024.3.29

● 摘要

This paper analyzes statistical discrimination in hiring markets using a multi-armed bandit model. The authors assume that all firms (decision-makers) are fully rational and non-prejudiced, and all workers are ex ante symmetric. In such an environment, an unbiased decision policy—hiring workers with superior skills—satisfies numerous fairness notions articulated in scholarly literature, including equalized odds and demographic parity. However, the long-term persistence of biased beliefs could still occur. The paper emphasizes that temporary affirmative actions can effectively enhance both welfare and equality. Two policy solutions are proposed: a novel subsidy rule (the hybrid mechanism) and the Rooney Rule. The results indicate that temporary affirmative actions effectively alleviate discrimination stemming from insufficient data.






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